Smile Design

Pink Aesthetics | Gum Aesthetics

An important part of the smile and the aesthetic and healthy teeth are caused by the effects of the gums on the smile profile. Correct smile design depends on the condition of both teeth and gums. Pink aesthetic applications, both when applied together with other treatments and when applied alone, significantly change the smile profile and support healthy results in aesthetic applications.

White and aesthetic teeth alone are not enough for a beautiful smile. The healthy, aesthetic and visible gum part completes the smile. Sometimes the gums appear too much, sometimes the gums are pulled and root surfaces are exposed, which causes health and aesthetic problems.

In pink aesthetics; The appearance of teeth and gums, called Hollywood Smile, is evaluated in 3 dimensions.

Pink Aesthetics | What is Gum Aesthetics?

Changes made to complete the aesthetic applications planned as part of the smile design in the gums are called pink aesthetics. Thanks to these applications, the visibility of the teeth is increased, the asymmetric appearance of the gums is eliminated, the gingival exit profile is arranged and the smile line can be reconstructed. It is a healthy procedure that can be safely applied to people of all ages with the elimination of systemic or regional diseases or existing infections. Pink aesthetic applications include applications such as gingivectomy and gingivoplasty, which generally involve shaping the gums. These are applications that include asymmetries in the gums, gingival enlargement, gingival recession, lip positioning, other gingival arrangements such as gummy smile, laser and botox, and provide a holistic approach to aesthetic procedures.

Pink Aesthetics | What Does Gum Aesthetics Applications Include?

In pink aesthetic applications, operations such as aligning the beginning of the gums, eliminating the asymmetries, restoring the extracted gum losses, positioning the lip or shortening the nose-lip distance are performed according to the needs of the person. These procedures are completed with laser, electrocautery and minimal surgical interventions. Thus, a more aesthetic and healthy pink aesthetic area is created for the person. In this concept, a holistic smile is provided by considering the aesthetic ratios of the teeth, gums, lips, smile and chin of the person.

Pink Aesthetics | How is Gum Aesthetics Applied?

A treatment plan is created by evaluating the clinical examination and personal requests together. Many procedures in gingival aesthetics can be performed seamlessly and painlessly. Although there are minimal procedures, it allows for very different and effective applications in smile design in terms of creating great changes in aesthetic sense.

In most cases, only local anesthesia is sufficient. Generally, application sessions are determined by considering the needs of the person, but many applications are made in a single session and results are obtained. With post-procedure laser applications, tissue healing is accelerated and these applications are supported with follow-up appointments. Pink aesthetic applications are completed by making the necessary information.