Smile Design


What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment method developed for the correction of crowding, gaps and more complex malocclusions in teeth without applying metal or ceramic brackets to the visible surfaces of the teeth.

What is the procedure? | What is the treatment procedure like?

Invisalign clear aligners allow your teeth to move within physiological limits. Unlike traditional brackets, Invisalign treatment not only controls the amount of movement provided by clear aligners, but also controls the duration of movement. Thus, only certain teeth move according to the amount of Invisalign movement planned for each plate. The result is an effective force application system.

How long does Invisalign fix your teeth? | How long does Invisalign treatment take?

The total duration depends on the complexity of the treatment and is generally similar to conventional bracket treatments. You will be given detailed information as a result of the diagnosis made by your doctor during the examination.

How do I care for my Invisalign aligners? | What is the best way to clean my clear records?

The best way to clean your aligners is to brush without using toothpaste, rinse them in warm water, and use clear aligner cleaning tablets available from pharmacies or the cleaning crystals that Invisalign sends in your first session. It is important to brush your teeth after eating before putting on your clear aligners.

Invisalign treatment or traditional brackets? | Comparison of traditional brackets and Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign clear aligners are almost invisible and the attachments applied to the teeth during treatment are often unnoticeable from the outside. Since Invisalign clear aligners are removable, you can remove your aligners and eat and drink during the treatment. However, meal times should not be long in order for tooth movement to occur and to increase the effectiveness of treatment. You can also remove your clear aligners and brush your teeth to maintain your normal hygiene routine and use dental floss for interdental cleaning. Unlike traditional fixed brackets, there are no metal brackets and wires. For this reason, in most cases, your doctor who applies your Invisalign aligners can perform the necessary controls and procedures in a shorter time.

How much does Invisalign cost in Turkey? | How much are Invisalign treatment fees?

Depending on the complexity of your case and your intraoral malocclusion, pricing is made between 40 and 60 thousand Turkish Liras. However, this pricing may change with the inflation rates determined by Invisalign and the mini screw application planned to be used additionally during the treatment.

Can I switch to Invisalign treatment if I have used braces? | Can I switch from bracket treatment to Invisalign treatment?

Many patients are treated with a combination of brackets and Invisalign treatment. In addition, you can switch to Invisalign treatment after the measurement or intraoral scan that your doctor will take after your braces are removed after the examination by your doctor. It’s a good idea to consult your doctor, who is the provider of Invisalign, to decide on the best treatment for you.

Can I use Invisalign plates if I have veneers? | Do crowns and bridges affect Invisalign treatment?

Crowns (dental veneers) usually do not affect Invisalign treatment. However, in some cases, small tooth-colored attachments, called attachments, are attached to the tooth to ensure tooth movement in Invisalign treatment, and these attachments are more difficult to adhere to the crown than the tooth. In these cases, the position of the crowns should be carefully evaluated. Your Invisalign provider doctor can give you more information about this.

Bridges, on the other hand, prevent the teeth from moving to a great extent because they connect two or more teeth tightly. Your doctor, your Invisalign provider, will decide whether bridges will affect your treatment.

Is Invisalign treatment painful?

Some people may experience temporary, minor discomfort for the first few days at the start of each new plaque treatment. This is normal and is often described as a feeling of pressure. This is a sign that Invisalign clear aligners are working and moving teeth to their final destination.

How often should I wear clear aligners?

You should always wear your clear aligners except during meal times and oral care periods. Recommended use is 22 hours a day.

Can I smoke while using Invisalign plates?

Smoking is not recommended while using plates, as it may stain or discolor clear plates.

Can I chew gum while using Invisalign plates?

It is not recommended to chew gum while using a invisalign plates because the gum may stick to the plaque. It is recommended to remove the plates for all snacks and meals.

Will Invisalign plates affect my speech?

It has been reported that the vast majority of patients have no effect on speech. After a week, it is seen that the patients’ speech returns to normal. However, as in traditional orthodontic treatments, there will be a period of getting used to the presence of a new material in the mouth.

Is retainer / essix aligner / vivera aligner required after completion of Invisalign treatment?

During the first year after orthodontic treatment, the retention period is important so that the physiologically mobile teeth can stay in their position at the end of the treatment in the jawbone. Retainers are thin wires between the upper and lower canines (canine teeth/eye teeth) to maintain the position of the corrected teeth and prevent reversal of the treatment. After a week, the tongue will adapt to these strings and speech will also relax. If these wires are not applied, the corrected gaps can be reopened or the corrected crowding can return. To prevent your teeth from returning, the retainers should remain in the mouth for life, and there is no harm in keeping them in the mouth, except for allergic conditions (such as nickel allergy). The function of Essix plates is to support retention treatment similar to retainers and are usually used at night. As with Essix plates, Vivera plates ordered from Invisalign upon your request are also used in the treatment of retention.