In case of damage or loss of teeth, gums and surrounding tissues due to different reasons, the prosthetic tooth applied is specially prepared for the person. Thus, patients regain their missing teeth and regain healthy chewing function. Prosthetic teeth, which also allow the speech to improve and the person to have an aesthetic appearance again, increase the quality of life of the person.

What is a prosthetic tooth?

A dental prosthesis that replaces lost teeth is custom-made. The dental prosthesis, which is produced in line with the personal needs of the patient, should fit the person’s mouth perfectly, look natural and have an easy-to-use feature. Dental prosthesis can be used to replace one or a few lost teeth, or it can be used to replace all teeth. However, in dental prosthesis applications, the protection of the existing teeth in the patient’s mouth is at the forefront. Dental prosthesis is produced in the most suitable tones for the bone color of the person. Thus, the person’s prosthetic tooth color has a natural appearance. The main purpose of dental prosthesis application is to regain the lost chewing function of the person. With the recovery of the chewing efficiency of the person, the quality of life is also increased. In addition to all these, the psychological effects of broken, discolored or deformed teeth are also eliminated.

What are the types of prosthetic teeth?

In general, there are two different types of dental prostheses, fixed and removable:

Fixed dental prosthesis
Fixed dental prostheses applied by sticking into the mouth are coatings that cannot be removed voluntarily. Fixed dental prosthesis, which is mostly applied to people with less tooth loss, is produced using the person’s own tooth. After the process, which starts with the reduction of the existing tooth by cutting, the existing tooth of the person is covered and then the prosthesis is mounted on it. In addition to classical porcelain prostheses, zirconium and laminate restorations are frequently applied today, thanks to the developing dental prosthesis technology:

Zirconium Restorations: Zirconium, a metal element with white tones, is the most preferred fixed dental prosthesis material today. While zirconium crown teeth provide functionality and aesthetics, they are also at the forefront with their durability. It can be processed in the desired color tone and light transmittance. Zirconium-coated dental prostheses, which can be applied to people with metal allergies, have a smooth and natural shine.

Laminate Restorations: In the laminate restoration process, which is applied to the front of the tooth by sticking porcelain in the form of thin leaves, intervention to the teeth is extremely low. Laminate restoration, which can only be applied to the anterior teeth, can be applied for reasons such as covering the discoloration of the teeth, concealing the existing gaps, and correcting the appearance caused by the fracture.

Removable dental prosthesis

Removable dental prostheses, which can be defined as appliances that can replace missing teeth, can be inserted and removed by the patient himself. It is applied in cases where natural teeth are present but there is not enough support for fixed prosthesis. Support is taken from existing teeth and tissues during the application.